Making S.M.A.R.T Goals

Life can feel so busy with all of the items on our to-do lists; sometimes we get so overwhelmed we'd rather say "forget it" and go back to bed. Take your to-do lists, and start making SMART goals!

              • S- Specific 
              • M- Measurable
              • A- Attainable
              • R- Realistic
              • T- Time-Based

When making goals be sure to be be specific. If your goal is to "get all A's" in your courses for a semester; that is a specific goal. If your goal is to "do well" in your courses, that is not specific.
  •  What does "doing well" mean to you? 

An A grade is easy to measure. Each course you take should have a syllabus that explains how to reach your A goal. If you didn't get one, talk to your professor. 

Is your goal really something attainable? Is it physically possible for you to get an A in each course by the end of the semester? If it is, congratulations you've made an attainable goal! If your goal is to have a million dollars by tomorrow, you would most likely have to rob a bank (which is illegal and NOT a good option) aka unattainable. You need to really determine if your goal is actually attainable depending on your current situation. 

Is your goal realistic? Are you working 60 hours a week, have 4 children, have a religious calling that takes 20 hours a week and on top of everything taking college level chemistry, anatomy and physiology, English 2020, physics and calculus? Would that be a realistic goal to keep doing all of those things AND get all A's in the semester? The answer is no, that may be an unrealistic goal. 

Is your goal time based? If you are making goals, can you actually meet your goal in the time you have allotted? Can you write that 10 page paper in 15 minutes? If not, how much time do you need to complete the task? Changing your goal even just a little may be the right thing to do!

If your goals are SMART goals then we can move into PLANNING!!! One thing that I have started implementing this year is really using my planner. This can be a paper planner, electronic planner, using the orientation of the stars, any planner will do! I start with the HUGE things, that I know I can't miss and then I work my way backwards to the smaller things on my to-do list. 

Here are some ways to make sure you are hitting your goals, using a planner. 

  • If your goal is to achieve all A's during a semester, take your syllabus and write down the big due dates in your planner. 
  • Write down each test day, quiz day, when homework is due, etc. 
  • Then start moving backwards. If you know that you will need a certain amount of time to study for the test, write in that time in your planner. 
  • Break it up into several days, so you don't get overwhelmed. 
  • Be sure to include chapters you need to read, hours you will need to study, etc. 
  • Once those are written in your planner, you can start filling in the rest of the times/days with family responsibilities, religious responsibilities, whatever you have! 
  • Be sure to include break time and down time so that you don't get overwhelmed!

Being organized and making sure your goals are SMART is the best way to ensure your success!


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