Mobile World vs Real World


We live in a very technology based world. This can be both helpful and convenient when wanting to research information, contact a friend or loved one, or share information quickly across long distances. But if we are not careful this same amazing technology we use can be detrimental to our everyday life. Below are three things you should consider:

1. Not everything gives you results as fast as the internet

          This is so important to keep in mind when living in the real world. The internet and other technological devices can give you quick and easy access to many different things, but you can't expect that to happen with everything you encounter. For example, you cannot expect your doctor to see you immediately when you feel sick or your food to be done as soon as you order it. You, like everyone else, will be required to wait your appropriate turn. While the computer in your pocket is an amazing piece of technology it can often provide you with unrealistic expectations about how the real world operates.

2. Social Media

        Social media is a great way to share events, ideas, and more with not only your friends but the entire world. Be careful this doesn't consume you. In regards to school, scrolling through your social media accounts can be wasteful of your precious study time. It can keep you away from finishing that paper or perhaps keeps you from studying for that test tomorrow. Using your time wisely and being mindful of  your priorities will help you not only do well in school but allow you to do your BEST.

      Another important note to keep in mind when talking about social media is don't compare your life with others on social media. We've all seen the video clips of people making their lives seem better in front of the camera vs how  they really are.

This video clip below is a perfect example of this:

3. Real life connections

We don't mean the connections you've made on your linkedin or Facebook account. We aren't talking about how many people are following you on tumblr, twitter, snapchat or Instagram. We're talking about real life connections with real people. Because of our access to technology we're losing the ability to communicate.
       "Look up from your phone, and turn down the display, and make the most out of your day"

Other related articles:
Students Perspective on Technology - youtube video

Technology: Virtual vs Real Life
Internet friends Vs real Life Connections
Online Vs Real Live
Anti Social Network-Short Film
A Social life - Award Winning Short Film


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