Which route will you choose?

There are typically 2 ways we students choose their career path, there are those that know the career they want and simply need to choose a major to get there….

Accountant-----------------------------------> Accounting

There are also those that know what major they are interested in pursuing due to an interest in a topic, but not sure what career might be appropriate for the major they chose.  So they usually need to research and explore career opportunities that are available in the major they chose…

History------------------------------------------> Teaching, curation, anthropologist, historian, writer, etc….

With either route chosen, it is helpful to clarify one’s preferences in a few areas to help make an informed decision. Some of the areas to consider are…

Salary potential
Job prospects
Location of employment
Personality type
Skill set/aptitudes
Relation to interests
Family considerations
Risks associated
Courses required and length of program.

These are some of the various items to consider when making a decision but not all; it is highly recommended that an exploratory student create a list of personal values and goals regarding their career pathway.  This can help eliminate possible fields that do not pertain to their values, and help them focus on the areas that are more relevant to their goals.   Also, bouncing ideas off a trained counselor can be useful, please don’t hesitate to come see a counselor in the ACC to discuss how to get started.


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